Come war or fire, dance or song,
as a family...

we will stand strong forever long.

To you at a crossroads, uncertain and lost;
To you who've erred and wronged, stumbled or fallen;
To you standing upon a beach, scattering unborn dreams unto the waves;
To you in the lonesome study, staring a forlorn gaze into the free night outside your window;
I will be the passing breeze upon your back, offering you the courage you need.
I will be the strongest star upon the sky, guiding you through the night.
I will be the song of the sea, carrying your heavy heart with you.
I am the reminder that it is never too late to act, to find where you belong.

Guild Wars 2 Roleplay Guild

Region: EU-PS
Size: Medium
Themes: Family, Adventure
Timzone: Central European Timezone (UTC+1)

Recruitment: Open!
Charr, Asura, Norn, Human - all are welcome!

Last Updated: 12.10.2024

Before sending in an application, please make sure to have read the information presented in:

In conjunction with this page, all of these topics cover who we are in and out of character, which part of the Living Story we are currently at, as well as some questions you might have and how the recruitment process works for us. Please be aware that Sylvanheart's roleplay presently takes place before the events of End of Dragons. Refer to our Questions & Answers section for more information on that!

Assuming you're interested in joining after, all you'd need to do would be to fill out an application.Our staff will respond as soon as possible!

While we understand that waiting for a response can be very stressful, we want to make sure that we give your application the attention and care it deserves! Sometimes that means quick responses won't be possible due to RL or other obligations. Worst case scenario, it may be up to two weeks before we respond.If you think something might have gone wrong or should you end up having a question that isn't covered by information available on this site, send us a message!

Following the approval of an application, initiates receive instructions detailing the next few steps, additional pointers and a Discord server invite to help them find their feet in the guild via a Discord message/DM.Please make sure to set your Friend Requests settings under Discord's user settings to everyone during this time! Otherwise we will not be able to easily contact you. If you haven't heard from us, this may be why.Assuming all goes well, a trial period of one month follows.This timeframe may be adjusted if RL should suddenly rear its head - however, please try to keep your own prospective availability in mind when applying.During that period we encourage our initiates to be active and show an incentive to become part of our community. Should the month pass without issue, a promotion to full member would follow!In that vein: Never be afraid to ask for help! As we're dedicated to trying to make the recruitment process as smooth as possible, and we're happy to meet new people besides, our community is definitely up for helping initiates get involved or just answer questions they may have! About the game, the guild or otherwise.

Sylvanheart is Guild Wars 2 roleplaying guild of 10 years and counting, home to the European Megaserver. Our central themes include that of adventure and family with a focus on Tyria's fledgling people: The Sylvari.In spite of what the name might imply, however, Sylvanheart accepts members of all species and engages with storylines relevant to all of Tyria's peoples and histories!The guild consists out of a variety of characters with a wide range of personalities, all unified by the same cause:To protect their loved ones and to fight for a better Tyria.As a plot and story driven guild, Sylvanheart holds guild-wide arcs/campaigns as well as smaller event chains with a focus on a variety of story threads and plots - ranging from the serious to the light-hearted! Our campaigns thrive on character choice.Our campaigns thrive on character choice. Not only are there numerous opportunities for characters of all walks of life to get involved, but to us, player choice matters. The tales we spin and the adventures we have are the unique products of everyone's contributions - and we wouldn't have it any other way.In addition, contributions in form of events or other RP from our members are not only welcome, but also quite frequent!On the matter of time, roleplay (events or otherwise) typically happen around 20:15CET.

Sylvanheart explores the thrills and struggles of a tightly knit group who fight to help save a world seemingly destined for destruction. Having traveled far and wide across Tyria, and having donned the mantle of warriors, diplomats, mediators and healers, Sylvanheart has endeavoured to go where they are needed - no matter how far such a journey may take them.To the Kindred, strength is not purely defined by someone’s abilities with a blade or a spell. A family is built upon trust, responsibility, love and compassion. There is a deep seated understanding that everyone’s contributions, no matter how small, matter.Additionally, the opinions and feelings of the membership are highly valued; with the group’s heavy emphasis on strong bonds and family, critical decisions are often discussed with the rest of the Kindred or even put to a vote.When we’re not roleplaying, we’ve been known to engage in PvX content such as PvP and raids! We also dabble in a variety of other games outside of Gw2 and have our own dedicated channels for general gaming and D&D content among others. Hang-out gaming streams, game evenings and other fun activities happen here and there as well!

ICly, the Kindred seeks not only those who have a vested interest in the future of the Sylvari, but also those who want to help change Tyria for the better; those who understand the strengths and the importance of family in these dark times.Oocly, we’re looking for open and friendly roleplayers who have an interest in exploring the guild's themes, as well as tell the tale of their character alongside a welcoming and creative group of people.The guild utilises an active Discord server for planning RP, talking, and all that other good stuff. A perfect means to get involved and to get to know people, in other words! As we use Discord for guild announcements, event reminders, interest checks and our big group meetings, joining the server is a requirement for joining the guild.However, no need to worry if you're not big on voice chatting or shy; the good ol' reliable text messaging is how we normally tend to use Discord to communicate.While Sylvanheart is a long-standing guild of many years, we're always happy to meet new faces and welcome them to our guild.

For all questions and concerns, please contact us through our contact form found below!Additionally, you may also reach out to our GM Shade through PMs on the official Gw2 forums!Please use the above means of contact should you have any questions or wish to contact us!
It's the most reliable means of contact. Unfortunately, in-game whispers and/or mails may be missed.

Please note: The only means through which we might be able to contact you are through Discord, the in-game mailing system or over the game's forums.

We will not be sending out E-Mails!

Additionally, should Discord be your preferred means of contact, please make sure to allow friend requests from everyone in your personal Friend Requests options! Otherwise we won't be able to reach out.
If you've sent in a form in the past but haven't heard back from us over Discord, you might have rejected the friend request we've sent you!

Previous Involvements

...aiding the Wardens of the Grove and Caledon Forest with the various threats the city faced over the years, as well as assisting in its defense against the Mordrem during The World Summit in 1327AE. Rumour has it that the Kindred were instrumental in returning pouched Fernhounds to the Kennels a couple of years ago, and upon finding the culprits, discovered a far greater evil......joining the Pact's efforts at Camp Resolve. The Kindred were present for the Mordrem's attack, before the Wyld Hunt of a sibling of theirs lead them to journey to Dry Top in pursuit of a terrible, dangerous Mordrem. The creature was slain, and the Hunt completed....fighting the Sinister Triad in the Brisban Wildlands. Additionally, rumour has it that the Kindred helped defend the Town from the encroaching threats often. They took up residence in the Valiant town back in 1328AE....having journeyed deep into the Maguuma Jungle following Mordremoth's destruction of the Pact Fleet, their Pale Reaver sister lost in the jungle. In locating her, the Kindred together with a number of Pact Survivors claimed a small ruin as an outpost for their joint efforts in the jungle. After great personal losses with two of their siblings having succumbed to the Elder Dragon's call and a third missing, Sylvanheart bravely pushed on, and participated in the final fight against the Mouth of Mordremoth....seeking out the Kodan in the Shiverpeaks, to aid their sister in the fulfilling of her Wyld Hunt to save a Kodan's sanctuary from being claimed and corrupted by the Icebrood....arriving in Amnoon, and staying outside the city as so many refugees had. Not about to sit idle, bounties of Ley-lined infused creatures were claimed, Forged battled, and the Cavaliars aided with a dicey issue. Present during the Brandstorm, the Kindred aided in defending those outside the city from the Branded....standing firm by the side of their Sunspear friends and allies, through tragedy and loss, as Elona threw off its shackles and ended the reign of Palawa Joko, ushering their home into a new age of freedom....aiding the Pact once again in their battle against the Elder Dragons, this time Kralkatorrik, first at Thunderhead Keep, miraculously having survived the Scion's death, and later in Dragonfall....having travelled to an abandoned outpost in the bitter cold of the Bjora Marches in an attempt to help the Vigil re-establish a trading route, and ultimately solve the mystery of what terrible horrors had taken so many lives that night.

...and perhaps so much more.

Founded in 1327AE by the remainders of the Wardance, a group of Sylvari who had shared their Dream of Dreams, the siblings decided that despite the Wardance's end, their work was not done. Seeking to continue teaching the virtues of family in times of peace and hardship alike, and fulfil their responsibility to never leave a wrong to ripen into evil, the group coined themselves Sylvanheart.Growing to become a family of adventuring Dreamers, Soundless, and races other than Sylvari alike, the Kindred has since spent almost a decade travelling far and wide across Tyria, performing their share of adventuring and heroic deeds.Honourable and dedicated, Sylvanheart enjoys a favourable reputation of heroes, Valiants and do-gooders, who have not only sought to better the world, but let their actions speak for themselves.

As a group, Sylvanheart consists out of the Kindred and their Volunteers.The Kindred forms the core of Sylvanheart, whereas Volunteers are individuals who have chosen to work and travel alongside the Kindred without formally joining them just yet.Although this may seem strange at first, given the group's aspirations of family and strong connections, nothing could be further from the truth.Joining the Kindred isn't just a matter of receiving benefits - it is the formalisation of an unspoken promise; an agreement between the Kindred and the individual in question to look out for one another, to be part of a strange and wonderful family through thick and thin.Naturally, a promise of such weight cannot readily be given upon first meeting. It takes time, effort, sunshine and rain, hardship and levity, for one of the most valuable blossoms to bloom.Below you can find some additional information about Sylvanheart including the guild's past deeds, our structure, as well as a (very brief & limited blame carrd's element limit) selection of past campaigns.

(November 2021 - July 2022)

Having proven themselves as stalwart allies in the past, the Vigil had reached out to the Kindred to request their aid in reestablishing a checkpoint - a Keep - in the frigid north of the Bjora Marches. While this Keep had previously served to support the Vigil's supply lines in the north, contact with it had been lost overnight.Choosing to lend the Vigil their aid, Sylvanheart ventured out into the frigid north - not only to strengthen the Order's foothold in the area, but to also solve the mystery of what terrible tragedy had occurred. One would be mistaken, however, to not claim that the rumour of one of the Kindred's own - one that had gone missing seasons prior - had not served as due motivation for some of their number to brave the north's dangers.Unfortunately, none could have known what they would find, nor how the Jormag's whispers would influence their path.

(July 2018 - December 2018)

While the world's attention had turned to the troubles of the Crystal Desert and Elona, a dark pact festered in the jungle. With local protectors having still been weakened by Palawa Joko's attempts to seize Tyria, a sinister alliance sought to make use of the opportunity.As Whispers intelligence had it, three powerful Courts were in the process of forming a dangerous alliance. Together, they meant to unite the shattered Nightmare Court and return it to its former glory. Knowing an alliance of this magnitude would surely threaten the safety of countless Dreamers and eventually that of the Grove and the Dream of Dream itself, Sylvanheart chose to act. Once again, the Kindred had been called to put an end to the threat before their machinations could come to fruition.In light of this, the Kindred faced a difficult choice. While they could choose to gather allies and attempt to go toe to toe in a show of martial prowess against the three Courts, they could also seek to undermine them from within, and stop the alliance from ever happening in the first place.After much deliberation, the Kindred chose the path of subterfuge. And their following choices leading down this thorned past would cost them much; perhaps more than they had initially anticipated.

(November 2017 - December 2017)

Following the rampage of the human god Balthazar, the Kindred set off to Elona. Having arrived north of the city of Amnoon, the group braved the warm sands and the scorching sun before coming upon a raptor ranch. After purchasing no more raptors than they needed, and now armed with suitable means to traverse the desert, Sylvanheart continued on to Amnoon.As expected, the city was overwhelmed with refugees begging for entry. Promising much needed assistance, be that aiding in the fight against the Forged or the healing of refugees, the Kindred was allowed to camp just outside the city, along the southern walls. During their stay, the Kindred lend their aid where they could around the city and its refugee camps, granting them the gratitude of the refugees they helped and even that of some of the Cavaliars, along with the watchful gazes from both the Hamaseem, Awakened and Zaishen.Likewise, Sylvanheart also made new friends. One of them was Rafeet, a mirage Cavalier who - to this day - spreads totally believable tales of two Sylvari who must have(?) been a Djinn and a servant of Melandru in disguise, having sabotaged an entire Forged camp on their own. Another was Itar, an old hermit revelaed to not only have been a Soulbeast, but also a Sunspear trying to lay low. Alas, the crystal dragon claimed Itar, his body crystallised by the Brandstorm, and ultimately forcing one of his own pupils to end his life.

OoC Leadership

OoC Guild Leader
Exactly as stated! A currently OoC rank, Sylvanheart's GM is Shade.

IC Leadership

IC Guild Leader
The Keeper is the head of Sylvanheart and its leadership during times of crisis. They oversee the work of their Retainers and that of their Kindred. They are the one guiding Sylvanheart's agenda and the one to ensure the Kindred will continue to be a force of good in Tyria.
Presently, the Keeper is voted for during an IC-meeting should a crisis arise.Retainer
IC Officers
The Keeper's lieutenants. They are meant to act as examples to aspire to and for the Kindred to rely on. Like the Keeper, they are chosen through a vote same as the Keeper.


IC & OoC Members
Those who have joined the Kindred on not only having given, but also having received, the promise of a home and family that will stand by them, just as they will in turn.
OoC Members
Those who walk alongside the Kindred, yet aren't formally part of the Kindred though they aspire to be. While their help and voice is welcomed, where matters concerning solely the Kindred are concerned, their input may not carry as much weight.
New members who have been invited to the guild and are undergoing their one month trial period! Should all go well, our Traveller(s) will be promoted to Volunteer after their trial period has passed.
OoC Rank/Event Helper
Entirely OoC, this title indicates that a players has volunteered to help DM and plan events or is running their own plotline.
Alt Account
Alternative accounts of our guild members. There are currently no hard rules as to how we're handling these, so go ahead and ask if you want yours invited to the guild!

General Questions & Guidelines

🍂 Is the guild still active?
For as long as there is no announcement that Sylvanheart has officially closed its doors, we're very much active and still around.🍂 Do I need to own a specific Expansion to join?
No, you don't! While Sylvanheart will explore the new content and tackle its themes in our future roleplay, there will certainly be plenty of opportunities for those without the expansion(s) to participate.
🍂 How come Sylvanheart isn't exclusive to Sylvari characters?
After being asked a number of times by different players whether they could join us on their none-Sylvari character, we brought allowing them up for discussion. As the membership voted in favour of it, we've opted to allow members of all five races to join!
In case you'd fear being the only non-Sylvari around, there's no reason to fret; we've got Charr, humans and Asura around!

🍂 I've got a question! How can I contact you?
Check out the Contact section!
🍂 Do you accept Courtiers or Nightmare Sylvari?
While we're more than happy to have complex characters that have committed morally questionable acts in their past and may do them again, Sylvanheart isn't really a space for characters that are actively looking to commit the sort of harm Nightmare is known for.
We also take the lore stance that returning from Nightmare isn't possible until such a time where the game provides us with a firmly stated example to the contrary. In addition to the above, we're also not looking for situations where a Courtier may join us under false pretences and try to undermine the group's structures or other characters.With all that in mind, we've come to the conclusion that we unfortunately cannot accept applications of Nightmare Sylvari.Should you have any further questions or enquiries, please feel free to reach out!

Joining the Guild

🍂 How do I join?
You can find that information here in our recruitment section of the carrd.
🍂 After joining the guild as a player, how will my character be introduced to the guild IC?
Following the approval of an application and invitation to the Discord server, we generally give players a few days' time to settle in to the space OOC before handling IC matters.
After that time has passed, the staff reaches out to have an OOC conversation with the player about how their character might be introduced to Sylvanheart. During this conversation, the staff also covers what information would have been explained to the character upon their joining.Consequently, it is assumed that the particularities of joining the guild were handled with the character off-screen; meaning that topics such as what the character would know and/or what amenities they would have access to as a result of their membership are known to the character.With the character's membership approved and handled off-screen, the introduction usually happens whenever the person next wishes to swing around and meet people IC!That said, don't worry! The staff will be guiding you through every step and is always there should you have any questions or need a hand.

🍂So there aren't any 'IC interviews'?
As IC interviews are a hefty time investment for both the person who wishes to join as well as the guild's staff, Sylvanheart presently doesn't ask for and doesn't conduct IC interviews. This is also done so that a new player may jump into the RP asap, rather than having to wait on schedules aligning.
🍂 But isn't that immersion breaking/really difficult?
While it may seem strange at first, we've found that there's typically very little trouble with this approach and that the pros vastly outweigh the cons.
🍂 I've got an idea for how I want my character to join! Is that okay?
Creativity is always welcome! Discuss your idea with the staff and we'll see whether we can't weave it into an upcoming event or make it happen otherwise! Sometimes, the sky's the limit.
🍂 I've got a different question about joining!
Head on over to our contact section!

Activity Requirements

🍂 Activity Requirements?
RL > RP. Always. We're pretty relaxed where activity is concerned and understand that life sometimes just happens and that there's nothing to be done about it.
Player removal might happen not so much for a lack of activity and more-so as a result of the leadership not knowing what's up.As a group, we do an announced and quick activity check roughly every three months. This activity check basically consists out of us asking that our active membership drop us a quick line within two weeks' time to let us know they're still interested. Should someone not have responded to the form within those two weeks, the leadership would be reaching out to them personally and wait an additional week for a response before considering removing the player in question.Please be aware that leaving the guild/being removed from the guild means you'll lose access to our Discord, in-game guild, and other associated areas.

🍂 Could I rejoin if I were to be removed for Inactivity?
Of course! Simply shoot the staff a message and we'll go from there. Removal largely happens due to a lack of communication and because of our wish to keep our roster neat and tidy.

Sylvanheart's Living Story Timeline

🍂 Which chapter of the Living Story is the guild currently at?
As of October 2024, we're embarking on our new campaign in Cantha!
🍂 How come you're behind the game's current timeline?
Long story short: We took our time! We enjoyed the themes and the world presented to us and wished to stay a little longer in that timeframe. We've since been working hard at catching up.

🍂 I'd like to join, but my character has already lived through [X]...
Should you be interested in joining, but aren't sure of how to handle the timeline differences between the guild and RP you might've already done with another player or group, don't hesitate to get in touch! As this is an unusual and case by case situation, we're very relaxed and understanding. We'd be glad to try and work something out!

Our Event System

🍂 Do you use a system for your events/combat?
We do! We use a simple to use and set up diceless system that lists a character's strengths, weaknesses and abilities.
While the system is not without some very basic rules, to make sure there's fair play across the board, it's shown to be an extremely useful tool for our DMs and has been a great help to accurately represent and respond to characters during events and the like.

🍂 But doesn't that slow combat and events down to a crawl?
Not at all! Due to being diceless, we don't have to wait until everyone's rolled their dice - virtual or otherwise. Thanks to that, the pace of our events is no different from a completely free-form approach.
🍂 So it's easy to use?
Extremely. Once a player has filled out their character's sheet, you don't need to worry about it anymore. From that point onward, the rest will be handled by the DM.